Kate Kreuger

Managing Partner, Helikon Consulting

About this speaker

Kate Krueger is Managing Partner of Helikon Consulting, a boutique firm that specializes in synthetic biology, alternative proteins, and high-tech food. She works with foundations, corporations, and investors to bring 21st century biotechnology to food innovation.

As former Research Director at New Harvest, Kate led all scientific initiatives and served as the organization's chief technical expert on fermentation for protein production and cell-based meat.

Before New Harvest, she worked at Perfect Day Foods, contributing to their foundational patent on novel milk proteins.

Kate holds a Ph.D. in Cell Biology from Yale University and an A.B. in Biochemistry from Mount Holyoke College.

She has been quoted by journals including Nature, the Anthropocene, and the New Yorker, and has shared her work through numerous lectures, articles, and podcasts.

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Scaling Cell-Based Meat: Developing the Ecosystem

December 09, 2021, 05:00 PM
Kerem Erikci Alexander Buko Kate Kreuger Jacqui Matthews